Course overview

The Influential Leader

You 你

Future Great Leader

Genghis Khan

Great Ancient Political Leaders

Steve Jobs 

Great Modern Business Leaders 現代偉大商業領袖

Highlights include 

  • The Three Most Crucial Goals For Leaders 領導者的三個最重要的目標
  • The 5 Secrets Of Successful Leaders 成功領袖的 5 個秘訣
  • 4 Powerful Ways To Motivate Your Team 4 種激勵團隊的有效方法
  • How To Encourage Productivity Without Hurting Creativity 如何在不損害創造力的情況下提高生產力
  • 5 Mistakes Of Bad Leaders 壞領袖的 5 個錯誤
  • How To Turn Your Biggest Critics Into Your Greatest Supporters 如何將你最大的批評者變成你最大的支持者
  • How to Command Respect and Speak So Others Will Listen 如何贏得別人的尊重,如何說話讓別人傾聽

Nysus Editorial Team

Writers and instructors from the Nysus Academy
ABOUT nysus
Nysus Academy was founded in 2018 by a group of data scientists. Our journey started in Hong Kong Cyberport, and we graduated in 2020 as a new entrepreneur start-up company that is dedicated to developing the application of data science and artificial intelligence.