Choose To Lead

  • Author: Nysus Editorial Team
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 3 hours
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Course overview
Learn about leadership, how it can improve your life, and what techniques or abilities you need to develop to become better at it.
  • Video time: 2 hours
  • Exams: 1

What's included?

  • 10 Chapters
  • 3 Tools
  • 5 Additional Guides
  • 10 Videos
  • 4 PDFs

Become a Leader 

This course will introduce to you what leadership means and what it takes to become an inspiring leader.

Pathway to Successful Leadership

 You will also learn how to lead in your own profession, while gaining an understanding in different leadership styles and theories.

Nysus Editorial Team

Writers and instructors from the Nysus Academy
Nysus Academy was founded in 2018 by a group of data scientists. Our journey started in Hong Kong Cyberport, and we graduated in 2020 as a new entrepreneur start-up company that is dedicated to developing the application of data science and artificial intelligence.