We are building an amazing LXP
A learning experience platform that help you in planning you very own learning path. Our guru will guide you all the way to achieve your goal of self learning.
A learning experience platform that help you in planning you very own learning path. Our guru will guide you all the way to achieve your goal of self learning.
We make your learning path promising
郭志偉 Pen Kwok
Nysus 行政總裁 CEO
What are the components of our Learning Experience Platform.
What are the components of our Learning Experience Platform.
- 個人學習軌跡管理 Personalized Learning Path Management
- 智能分析 AI Analytics
- 智能推薦系統 AI Recommender System
- 與高等學府及第三方教育機構對接
Integrate with Tertiary Institute and Learning Providers - 內容創作 Content Creation
- 內容策劃 Content Curation
- 與第三方應用平台對接 Integration with third parties' technology platform
- 智能指導精靈系統 Genius Chatbots
- 遊戲化學習 Gamifications
Know more about yourself and your learning
The 5 Analytics
- 描述性分析 Descriptive Analytic
- 診斷性分析 Diagnostic Analytic
- 預測性分析 Predictive Analytic
- 指示性分析 Prescriptive Analytic
- 自動化分析 Automating Analytic
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Frequently asked questions
How can I choose my courses?
You can choose your course according to your preference or our later on our Guru will recommend to you based on your interest, skill and habit.
You can choose your course according to your preference or our later on our Guru will recommend to you based on your interest, skill and habit.
What if you don't offer the courses I need?
Our Guru will recommend course or knowledge from third parties to cope with your personalize Learning Path.
Our Guru will recommend course or knowledge from third parties to cope with your personalize Learning Path.